Day & Ross embarked on its Lean journey in October 2007 and we continue to gain momentum every day. Lean is our journey towards the relentless pursuit of waste elimination. At Day & Ross, we strive to deliver the highest quality service every day for our customers. We focus on creating value in all of our processes through the engagement of our people. We search daily for areas of opportunity to make improvement through waste elimination and the pursuit of excellence.
We believe our people are our greatest appreciating asset. We strive to create a safe, high performing, organized workplace for all employees every day.
We believe that Lean is the catalyst to strategically plan and achieve our business objectives. Lean is the foundation for us to build our future as an organization.
With a focus on quality and continuous improvement through its Lean "Six Sigma" methodology, performance at Day & Ross is evident in consistent, on-time service, a low claims ration, pro-active tracing, customer support programs, a commitment to implement the best and most up-to-date technology in the industry, and to continually hire the “best”.